The pre-school rooms offer a busy environment encouraging independence and confidence in learning new skills, with easy access to resources and equipment enabling the children to make their own choices and decisions within their play.
We have 2 pre-school rooms called the Butterflies and the Caterpillars which consist of 2, 3 and 4 year olds.
Both rooms cater for 11 children per session and have 2 qualified staff.
We promote mixed age groups within the pre-school rooms as we feel this gives the children a homely and family feel during their time at the nursery allowing them to socialise with older and younger children.
We feel that the younger children copy and learn from the older children and the older children take on a more caring role towards their younger friends.
We have found that since we have introduced the mixed aged groups the behaviour within the ages has been more positive and the children have developed further - older children modelling more problem solving during play and younger children trying more challenging activities.
Both rooms cover all seven areas of the early year’s foundation stage curriculum (EYFS) which are:
Personal, social and emotional development
Communication and language development
Physical development
Understanding the world
Expressive arts and design
The rooms work together to provide and cover all seven areas of learning through different topics such as “all about me” or “mini beast” however they may delivery this differently in both rooms according to their children’s capability, interests and next steps.
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